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  • #31453


    I have been able to set up many different charts for my invoices, turrnover, number of appointments etc – which are fabulous.

    However I want to be able to have the values of the bar charts shown on the chart itself – I have found an annotations options – but cannot seem to get it to automatically show the valus for each bar in the bar chart.

    Please could you advise how I may achieve this?

    Many thanks


      Hi Charlotte,

      If you right-click on a chart and click DESIGN, you can see all the available options on that screen. There are lots of options under the “Chart Properties” header which relate to the chart, including the lables.

      The charting tool is licensed from a 3rd party company (Developer Express) and in the I’m not sure if it’s possible to always show all the label values on all chart types and you didn’t mention which chart type you are using. However, you will find that under the list of “Chart Properties” there are a number of settings you can change which affect the “labels” on a chart. Please look through all the settinsg in the “Chart Properties” list to see if you can find anything there which suits your needs.


      Yes I have played with the chart properties – and I think it will do it – however I am struggling to make it work.

      If you could just let me know which properties facility to use and how that would be super.

      Many thanks



        Hi Charlotte – under the Chart Properties please go to “SeriesTemplate” and then set “LabelsVisibility” to true.


        Marvelous – works a treat!
        Thank you 🙂

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