ClinicOffice Online Diary ‘iframe’ Demonstration
Below, you will find some examples of how the ClinicOffice Online Diary could look for a patient visiting your website! These examples are using something called ‘iframe’ technology which means that your booking system can be embedded directly onto your website.
This means that a potential patient can see if an appointment is available before having to log on or create an account, meaning higher retention rates for your website/business.
** Please note this is a demo page for visual purposes. While you can use the menus to select appointment options and browse functionality, you may see an error message if you try to use it to actually book an appointment. **
We do also offer a dedicated log on page, which can be used in conjunction for patients and staff members.
Click here to see a demonstration of this and then follow the instructions on the screen. The password for the Online Diary demonstration is “clinicoffice-demo“.