Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)
Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)
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In this example, you can specify a custom message to pop up on screen when you change the Appointment Status to ‘ARRIVED’.
This was a real world example for a Clinic that needed a reminder to check a patients temperature as they arrived for an appointment.
You can adjust it to any appointment status name you like, but it does have to match exactly.
**This only works if you update the status from the diary right-click menu, NOT if you change the status from within the appointment.**
[1] Click TOOLS | SCRIPT EDITOR to show the Script Editor screen
[2] Locate “ucDiaryFrame” and the “OnAfterAppStatusChanged” event
[3] Copy & Paste the following script into the Script Editor :-
using System.Data;
DataRow row = (Params[0] as DataRow);
long appstatus_id = PSLib.cDBFuncs.ToLong(row["appstatus_id"]);
string status = cGlobals.DB.GetQuickDBString("select name from appstatus where id=" + appstatus_id);
if (status == "Arrived")
{ PSDevEx.cMessages.WarningBox("enter some reminder text here", "IMPORTANT REMINDER"); }
Enter your text between the quotes where it says “enter some reminder text here”.