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  • #31454


    The charts I have set up – am I able I export the data to a spreadsheet? e.g. monthly turnover

    Many thanks



      Hi Charlotte,

      You can export a chart by right clicking on the chart image in ClinicOffice and choosing the EXPORT option. If you’re referring to exporting the underlying chart data, then it’s simply a matter of exporting the GRID on which the chart is based, in which case you need to right-click on the GRID and select the EXPORT option.

      Please let us know if this helps to answer your question.



      Thank you.
      Yes I have been able to export the gris and chart – but it is the inbetween data – the information collated from the grid to produce the chart – that is what I need to export either separately or with the chart so the chart makes sense. Else the chart looks good but there are no actual figures shown, in that makes sense?

      Kind reagrds


        >> Yes I have been able to export the gris and chart – but it is the inbetween data
        I’m sorry – I don’t understand what “inbetween data” is.

        Do you mean how to show the actual values on the charts? If so, it depends on what type of chart you are using. For example, if you’re using a LINE chart, under the CHART PROPERTIES, go to “SeriesTemplate” then set “LabelsVisibility” to TRUE. This will show the plotted values on the chart.

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