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  • #31455


    I have several different appointment types, but would like to group them into different ‘groups’ – and then chart the total turnover for each of the groups pcm.

    Is there a way to achieve this?

    Many thanks


    Hi – just wondering if anyone can help?


      Hi Charlotte,

      Please click VIEW | TYPES AND CATEGORIES, then go to Appointment Types. At the top of that screen tick the box that says “Show Appointment Type Groups”. You can also click the “Edit Groups…” link to group together common appointment types.

      Please let us know if that helps? Many thanks.



      I have done that, which is super.
      However when I come to plot a graph – it only shows appointment types, and not appointment groups.

      Is there something else I need to do perhaps?

      Kind Regards


        Hi Charlotte – apologies for the delay in replying. I don’t think they current charting engine allows you to group the appointment types into groups, however we are working on a major upgrade to the reporting/charting engine for ClinicOffice v6 so I’ve added that request in to be implemented for the v6 release.

        Many thanks.

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