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  • #31528

      I am having problems when I process an insurance patient via the quick transaction.
      When the Quick Transaction page opens up, the box in which you select Qty, Code, Description, Unit…etc is so narrow that it is very difficult to select a different option.
      Any help?


      Hi rhcrc,

      Thanks for the post.

      If you hover the mouse over one of the corners of the quick transaction window, click and hold the left mouse button, you can expand/contract the window and it will also expand the box to enter new lines.

      You can also expand/contract the columns in that box!

      I hope this helps 🙂


        I understand what you are explaining, but this doesn’t seem to make a difference.
        This happens on both PCs running clinic office with different screen sizes.
        The quick transaction box is open fully and it is still not possible to see what is in the Qty/code/description box.


        Hi there,

        Sorry it wasn’t helpful.

        Could you perhaps post a screen shot of what you are explaining and hopefully I will be able to help you further.

        Thanks 🙂


          Please see attached screenshot!



            Hi – thanks for the screen shot. It looks like the vertical height of the Quick Transaction window is too small which is compressing the “Invoice Items” list so that it’s unusable.

            Please can you make the window bigger? Please also note that the recommended vertical screen resolution for ClinicOffice is 1050 pixels :-

            Hope this helps.


              this has not really helped no.
              I can confirm that the window is open as much as possible and my screen resolution is: 1920×1080.


                Hi. That is slightly confusing as 1920×1080 is more than sufficient usually. By default the quick transaction screen covers an area of 699×770 pixels and will usually allow up to 5 lines. Just to help us troubleshoot the issue, would it be possible to let us know what environment you are running ClinicOffice on either of the machine i.e. Windows running on Parallels or normal Windows desktop? Also what is the DPI on your desktop? You can find this out by right clicking on the desktop and selecting Personalise and then Display on the right hand side.


                  I am running clinicOffice on windows 8.
                  Interestingly though, having looked at DPI I was at 150%.
                  I changed this to 100%, and then had space in the box to input the information.
                  Fortunately since changing back to 150% again, this hasn’t returned to its previous format, so I am now able to use the box for information.


                    We’re pleased to hear that’s resolved it and it sounds like it was a screen resolution issue.

                    As tablets and devices with smaller resolutions are becoming more popular, we’re looking into ways to economize on the use of screen space in ClinicOffice, however in the meantime if anyone else has this issue, please make sure that the Windows screen DPI is set to 100% for the best results.

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