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  • in reply to: Clinic Office fail to initialize #40688

      Hi Colin

      Thank you for the post and apologies for the delay in replying. This sounds like there is an issue with that machine’s ‘Windows Management Information’. Below is an FAQ that covers this topic.

      When you run through this, you may find that the WMI Control Properties appear okay, but we recommend that you still follow the steps at the bottom of the article. All being well, this should fix this problem.

      in reply to: 2 queries #40644

        Hello, thanks for the questions. The ability to copy and paste has not been removed from the clinical notes and should still be possible. The first thing to check is if you can copy and paste in any other area of the software. For example, can you copy and paste from the appointment or patient record? If you cannot, it would suggest that your remote desktop connection is not allowing your clipboard to be shared with the remote server PC on which ClinicOffice is sitting.

        The link below will assist with this. If you get stuck then please feel free to give our support team a call on 01205 205500 and dial 2 for support and we can investigate this further.

        How to Enable Clipboard in Remote Desktop

        As mentioned though, the ability to copy and paste is still there so something else must be preventing it.

        With regards to your second question, you certainly can still send out SMS messages. To enable this, go to the View menu > Program Settings > Global Settings > Setup SMS Account. From here you can enable the SMS service. You can also click the link on the same page to buy SMS credits from us.

        For more information on how to use the text service within ClinicOffice, please see the sections “Sending SMS Messages” (for setup and sending manual messages) and “Patient Contact Centre” (for automated messages) in the ClinicOffice User Guide.

        in reply to: Unable To Unlock Patient Notes #40057

          Hi Jodie. Thanks for the post and apologies in the delay in replying. To help us troubleshoot the issue, do you know if your clinical notes are set to be editable, as in can you edit past notes? One way of checking is by going to View menu in ClinicOffice > Program Settings > Global Settings and seeing if the option “Allow editing of Clinical Notes” is ticked.

          in reply to: Percentage Off? #39301

            That’s excellent news and thanks for letting us know. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

            in reply to: Percentage Off? #39299

              Thanks for replying and for the additional information. In that case, it sounds like the discount field might be in the hidden items under the item design mode. To retrieve this, please follow the steps below.

              • Open the patient in question
              • Click the Design tab (top left of the patient’s record)
                Click the Enter Design Mode button
              • You will see a floating window named, ‘Customization‘ and under this is the ‘Hidden Items‘ all being well you should see the Discount field here. If it is, then left-click on this and drag it into the patient’s record.
              • Click the Save Design button and then click Leave Design Mode

              You should now be able to see the discount percentage amount in this field and you can then remove it. After you have saved the changes, this should rectify the issue.

              in reply to: Unable to Back Up Database #39258

                Hi Jodie

                Thanks for the post and sorry to hear of the problems you have been experiencing with backing up. An error like this can be generated when a third-party program such as an anti-virus program is scanning a file at the time of the backup running. This means it locks one or more files down hence ClinicOffice is unable to backup. To get around this please configure the ant-virus program to exclude the locations below:

                • C:\COv5_data
                • C:\Program Files (x86)\Pioneer Software\ClinicOffice v5

                Perhaps even try temporarily disabling the anti-virus for a few minutes while you try to backup.

                Another cause could be when another Windows user session is left logged in. Although the other person might not be actively using ClinicOffice or actively logged in, if they did not log out fully but merely switched accounts on Windows it could be the case that another instance of ClinicOffice is running which could be locking one of the files. To test this theory, please follow the steps below.

                1.  Press the CTRLALT and DELETE all together
                2. Click Task Manager
                3. Click the Users tab (if you cannot see this, please click the More Details option bottom left)
                4. If you see another user session present, right-click on it and select Sign Off

                If the above is not relevant or does not work, then other reasons can cause this, but please let us know how you get on.

                in reply to: Percentage Off? #38794

                  Thanks for the query. It sounds like that particular patient may have a value set in their patient’s discount field. You can check this out by opening their record and going to ‘More Details‘ > ‘Payment Information‘ > ‘Discount %‘. Make sure that this is set to 0%.

                  Patient Discount Field

                  Please let us know if you are still having problems after this.


                  in reply to: Error Print Previewing Diary in Black and White #38773

                    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We are struggling to reproduce this error, so the first step is to reinstall ClinicOffice on that computer as it might be missing a component which is causing the error. You can download the full setup file via the link below.


                    After you have installed this, please retest the diary print preview. If you are still receiving the error message, please could you provide us with the settings that you use? For example, when you go to print preview, what time range do you select (whole day, morning appointments..)? Do you have the appointments in-room or staff view? How many staff/rooms do you have selected?

                    The above information will help us to reproduce this problem and many thanks in advance.

                    in reply to: Hide practitioner #38762

                      Hi nazehm

                      Thanks for the post. There is the option under Access Rights to prevent practitioners from viewing other practitioners. You can find this setting if you open the staff member’s record, go to their Access Rights tab and if you scroll down to Other Options you will find one setting called ‘Diary – View Other Staff‘. Once this setting is unticked when the practitioner goes into the diary they will only be able to see their own appointments.

                      Like all other access rights within this screen you can either assign it to the individual practitioner or apply it to an access group that you might have setup for all practitioners.


                        Thanks for your post. Generally, if you copy and paste an appointment it will obey the original time span that was set. The only time this is not the case is if you happen to copy and paste while in week or month view. The reason is that when you paste an appointment you are telling the system when the start time is. In the week or month view, the system is not being told when the start time is, other than it is starting on a certain date. This is why it defaults to an all-day appointment.

                        If you were in either week or month view, please delete the copied appointment, swap to “Day” or “Day of Week” view and redo the copy and paste. You should find that the appointment will obey the original hour length.

                        in reply to: Ghost Appointment? #38666

                          Thanks for emailing that image through. It appears that the “Auto Description” option may have been unticked and nothing has been entered into the description field. If this is the case you can open the appointment and retick the “Auto Description” checkbox and this will auto-fill in the patient’s name and the appointment type.

                          Appointment Auto Description


                          in reply to: Ghost Appointment? #38665

                            Thanks for trying that again. Unfortunately, it still has not uploaded the image. You can try emailing it to instead and we can take a look at it from there.

                            in reply to: Ghost Appointment? #38664

                              Thanks for trying that again. Unfortunately, it still has not uploaded the image. You can try emailing it to instead and we can take a look at it from there.

                              in reply to: Ghost Appointment? #38662

                                Hi Jodie

                                Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Unfortunately, the file or image has not uploaded correctly. Please could you upload it again and we can take a look.

                                in reply to: Trouble logging off #38592

                                  Hi Activelife

                                  Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It certainly is unusual the issue you are experiencing. I understand what you mean when you say that this is definitely not PC/user-specific but is there a common anti-virus product that is installed on all the machines? The reason why I ask is that it is not unusual for a clinic to have a common AV installed on all machines. If there is then we can test ClinicOffice with this anti-virus product and see if we can reproduce the issue and look for a solution.

                                  Also, when you mention that it does not let you log off is it every single time? For example, if you log in to ClinicOffice and click to log off immediately, before doing anything else, does it allow you then to log off?

                                  Look forward to hearing from you.

                                  in reply to: Synchronising ClinicOffice and Google Calendars #38151

                                    Hi Edward,

                                    Thanks for the post. There are a few things to check for. Some of them you may have already done but it is good to cover all these things. The first thing to check is the calendar you are syncing with.

                                    Select Google Calendar Sync

                                    Google does allow for more than one calendar under an account, so it might be the case that you are syncing with a calendar that is currently not selected to be displayed in Google Calendar. You can also check this from Google and make sure the relevant calendar is selected and ticked to be displayed.

                                    Google Calendar Selector

                                    [Above example is fictitious]

                                    The next thing to check for is the synchronisation direction. Please make sure that it is set to either Export from Clinicoffice into Google (like the example below) or it is a 2-way synchronisation.

                                    Calendar Sync Direction

                                    Another thing to check for is the synchronisation date range. For example, if you have “Current and future appointments” selected then only this week and future appointments will be synchronised, but no past appointments will be unless selected otherwise.

                                    Please let us know if you have already checked the above points but are still having problems.

                                    in reply to: Clinical Forms Online #37985

                                      This has been a long time coming, but we have recently made available an online form system through our new E-Docs feature. For more information on this and its requirements, please see the link below.


                                      in reply to: Creating E Docs as letters with fillable fields #37983

                                        Hi LucyKS

                                        Thanks for the post. One point that might be worth considering is to use additional labels within the form editor. You can find the Label component listed within the floating “Customization” window under the “Hidden Items” tab. This can be dragged into the form and renamed.

                                        Granted this in itself will not make the form like a letter template but it could help to present additional text such as stating the data protection policy. Please note that when adding a label to the form designer, the text will always appear on one line but when it is presented on the online form this will wrap around. You could always do one label per paragraph and this will then provide the relevant spacing between the paragraphs on the online form side.

                                        If this still does not quite match what you need then I suppose a dual letter/form setup could be used in conjunction with the “Doc Group” feature under the E-Docs Manager, but please see if the above will meet your needs and if not then we could consider the next option.

                                        in reply to: Current time missing in online diary #37900

                                          Sorry for the misunderstanding and apologies for the delay in replying. I also understand that my colleagues have already discussed this topic with you elsewhere, but I thought it wise to reply so that others can see the answer to this.

                                          The time indicator can’t be displayed on the online diary like it can within ClinicOffice. The reason is because of the way the diary page is rendered and at present, it will have no way of pulling through the local user’s time. This is something that I have submitted to our request list for future development.

                                          in reply to: Current time missing in online diary #37896

                                            Hi Zedok

                                            Thanks for the post. To enable this option, in the diary go to the Diary Options -> General Settings and tick the option “Show the current time indicator“. Please bear in mind that the colour of the indicator will be different in the Hosted edition as by default the theme skinning has been removed but it should appear like the example below.


                                            in reply to: Uploading staff image on Hosted Server #37893

                                              Hi Zedok

                                              Thanks for the post. That error occasionally appears with the Hosted Edition when ClinicOffice tries to access a folder which it does not have permission to. Just click OK to this message and you can still access your local files by clicking the folder on the left-hand side which says “Local C Drive” or go to Network -> TSClient and navigate your folder system through this and you will then be able to upload your local image. If you are using a Mac then you will need to make sure that your local folders are forwarded under your connection settings.

                                              Please let us know if you need any further assistance with the above.

                                              in reply to: Unable to update, #37814

                                                Hi Clare

                                                Thanks for the post. From what you have described it sounds like the ClinicOffice v5 process is getting stuck in the background and when the installer is trying to run it still detects that the program is open, although not visible on your screen. There are a few reasons why this can happen, but sometimes it can be that anti-virus program that leaves the process hanging after it has performed a live scan on it.

                                                To fix this issue you may need to terminate the process manually. To do this run through the update process again. By going to the Tools menu in ClinicOffice -> Check for Program Updates.  When you get to the same message that says that the program is running, please follow the steps below.

                                                1. First, please do not close the message that says that ClinicOffice is still running
                                                2. Press the CTRL, ALT and Delete keys on your keyboard
                                                3. Select to run Task Manager
                                                4. On the Task Manager windows, if there are no tabs present click the “More Details” option
                                                5. Go to the Processes tab and scroll down until you find the ClinicOffice v5 process (make sure it does not contain the word “update” in it)
                                                6. Select this  process and select End Task
                                                7. Click to Retry back on the ClinicOffice update screen

                                                You should find that the update procedure just runs straight through.

                                                in reply to: Update error #37797

                                                  Hi af.michael

                                                  Sorry to hear the issues you have had in updating. From what you have described that message is pertaining to the installing of the actual program so the message is coming from Microsoft Windows as oppose to ClinicOffice. This means that it is Window asking you to be logged in as an administrator. You will need to login to Windows as with an admin account. This must be some sort of restriction on that computer. If you have an IT department that manages your computers they might be able to assist you with this.

                                                  in reply to: cannot open clinicoffice runtime error #37770

                                                    Hi thetaposit

                                                    We have realised that you are running version 4 of ClinicOffice and this is why it is asking for a new license key because the above link given is for version 5 of our software. Please use this next link to fix the version 4 of the software and makes sure you run version 4 and not version 5.


                                                    If after running ClinicOffice v4 it is still asking for a license then you will need to reset the license to make it available before you can license it again.


                                                    If you require your license information please email us on and we can send this through to you.


                                                    in reply to: Patient Name information disappeared #37656

                                                      Hi Meli524

                                                      Apologies in the delay in replying. Fields such as Lastname, Firstname, Title are hard coded which fortunately means that you cannot delete them. What this means is that they are most likely in the Customisation window under the Hidden Items tab. If you open a patient’s record again, go to the Design tab and click the Enter Design Mode button. You should see another floating around like the one below.

                                                      Unlike the above window, you should hopefully have some additional fields below this. Without seeing your window it is hard to know what is there but you may see the fields such as Lastname. You can drag and drop this into the correct location and do the same for the other fields.

                                                      Alternatively, you might see a group within the hidden items and its icon will look like two stacked boxes. The Lastname field and other fields might be in here. You can drag and drop this under the patient name to see if it does contain these fields.

                                                      If you have found these fields and have placed them back, make sure to click the Save Design button. Please let us know if you are still struggling with this.

                                                      in reply to: Unable to open a patient record #37635

                                                        Thanks for the reply. In the case of zero minute appointments, it will still show if the diary option “Snap to time slots” is enabled because it forces the appointments visually to fill that gap. This means that when you have 30-minute slots, appointments that are 0, 10 or 20 minutes will still be displayed as 30 minutes.

                                                        As you said in this instance it is not the case, but if this problem does occur again, please let us know and you will need a copy of your database to investigate this anomaly further.

                                                        in reply to: Unable to open a patient record #37632

                                                          Hi Jodie

                                                          Just one thought we had, is when an appointment’s time length is set to zero minutes then when you go to right-click on the appointment nothing will appear because technically the appointment is taking up no space on the diary. The only explanation as to why it only then happens for this patient is if the original zero minute appointment had in turn been copied and pasted to the future dates.

                                                          So, if this happens again, please check the start time and finish time are not the same. We are not saying this is definitely the cause in your situation but it is the only cause we have known for something like this to happen.

                                                          in reply to: Voided invoices #37604

                                                            Hi mscrs1

                                                            Thanks for the question. This depends on where you are looking in ClinicOffice. When you void an invoice it merely zeros the invoice line quantities and hence it sets the invoice to £0. As you have not deleted it, this means the invoice still exists within the database. If you were to go to something like the Invoice grid or an invoice list this voided invoice will still be present there but merely will display as £0. If you were to go to a report such as Outstanding Invoices you will not be able to view the invoice there.

                                                            Hope this helps.

                                                            in reply to: Delete contact record, but keep patient record #37602

                                                              Hi Meli524

                                                              Thanks for the post. The easiest way to do this is by going into the Patient side of the record and under the “Contact” section just below the Website field is a checkbox that says “This patient is also a contact”. If you untick this box it will remove the patient’s contact record but will keep the patient side.

                                                              Please bear in mind that the above instructions are based on the default layout of the patient editor. The field “This patient is also a contact” may have been moved if the editor has had its layout customised.

                                                              in reply to: Display settings – font size #37382

                                                                Hi LucyKS

                                                                Thanks for the post. It sounds like your laptop has a higher than standard resolution, which is now more common with mid to high range laptops nowadays. What needs to be done is your ClinicOffice shortcut needs to be instructed to override the standard Windows scaling. The steps below will help if your shortcut icon is pinned to the Windows taskbar.

                                                                1) Right-click on your ClinicOffice shortcut in the taskbar

                                                                2) Right-click on the ClinicOffice v5 text that appears at the top of the menu that appears

                                                                3) Click on Properties


                                                                4) In the window that appears click on the Compatibility tab

                                                                5) Click the Change high DPI settings button


                                                                6) In the next window tick the checkbox “Override high DPI scaling behaviour

                                                                7) In the drop-down menu below this, select the option “System (Enhanced)


                                                                8) Click OK and OK again.

                                                                If you had ClinicOffice open at the time of doing this, close the program down and open it again from the same icon. You should find the scaling is better and the text is now more readable in the program.

                                                                If you launch ClinicOffice from a desktop shortcut then the above steps still apply but just ignore step one and go straight to step two. The menu will be slightly different on step 3 but the Properties option will still be present. Again make sure to close ClinicOffice and re-open it for the steps to take effect.

                                                                in reply to: Adding Fields to existing Reports #37164

                                                                  Hi Mark

                                                                  Thanks for the post. In order to add this, you will need to update the SQL Source of the report. By default the source for the payment list is just “select * from view_payments” but in order to add the email address, we will need to expand open the SQL and then add the value which will add the email address to this report. The full SQL code is below for this.



                                                        , paynum, datetime, pay.amount, pay.reference,
                                                                  pay.per_id as receivedfrom_per_id, trim(both ‘ ‘ from per.lastname || ‘, ‘ || coalesce(per.firstname,”) || ‘ ‘ || coalesce(per.title,”)) as _receivedfrom,
                                                                  per.lastname, per.firstname, per.title,

                                                                  paymethod_id, as _paymentmethod,
                                                                  pay.clinic_id, as _clinicname, clinic.prefix as _clinicprefix,
                                                                  (coalesce(clinic.prefix, ”) || cast(pay.paynum as varchar(20))) as _payref,

                                                                  coalesce(view_payamtalloc.amtalloc, 0) as amtallocated,
                                                                  (pay.amount – coalesce(view_payamtalloc.amtalloc, 0)) as amtunallocated,

                                                                  when (pay.amount = 0) or (view_payamtalloc.amtalloc >= pay.amount) then
                                                                  ‘Fully Allocated’
                                                                  when (view_payamtalloc.amtalloc > 0) and (view_payamtalloc.amtalloc < pay.amount) then
                                                                  ‘Part Allocated’
                                                                  end as varchar(20)) as _status,

                                                                  pay.createdby_staff_id as takenby_staff_id, cr_staff.knownas as _takenby,

                                                                  pay.createdon, pay.createdby_staff_id, cr_staff.knownas as _createdby,
                                                                  pay.updatedon, pay.updatedby_staff_id, up_staff.knownas as _lastupdatedby,

                                                                  from pay
                                                                  inner join clinic on (pay.clinic_id =
                                                                  inner join per on (pay.per_id =
                                                                  inner join paymethod on (pay.paymethod_id =
                                                                  left join view_payamtalloc on ( = view_payamtalloc.pay_id)
                                                                  left join staff as cr_staff on (pay.createdby_staff_id =
                                                                  left join staff as up_staff on (pay.updatedby_staff_id =


                                                                  Please copy the above and then follow the steps below.

                                                                  • Go into the Reports and Templates in ClinicOffice
                                                                  • Right-click on the Payment List report and select Report Source
                                                                  • Delete all the text in the SQL Source window
                                                                  • Copy the above text into the SQL Source window in ClinicOffice
                                                                  • Click OK

                                                                  When you run the report next the patient’s email will now be present in the grid as well.

                                                                  in reply to: More details in Associate fees module. #36246

                                                                    Hi Steve

                                                                    Thanks for the post. With regards to your first point, the good news is that this can be done. You can print out the transaction details by clicking on the Print button within the Associate Fees Calculator, click the Options button and tick the option Preview. After clicking OK the additional information will now appear.

                                                                    With regards to the second point, you can export the printout as a PDF, XLS or XLSX format (the latter two are Excel formats).  When in the print preview, click on the lower half of the Export To… button and select the format you wish to save the document to.

                                                                    Please let us know if you need anything clarifying from above.

                                                                    in reply to: Scanning directly into Clinic office #33852

                                                                      Hi afbeab

                                                                      Thanks for the post. If you are using the local edition of ClinicOffice (Startup, Professional, Server edition) then you can scan a new document by clicking on the “Acquire from” button, within the patient’s document section and select your scanner from there.

                                                                      If you are using the Hosted edition of ClinicOffice then, unfortunately, this feature is not available. The reason is that most scanners use either a TWAIN or a WIA driver, neither one of these two is Microsoft Remote Desktop compatible. This means that Hosted server cannot see the scanning and hence ClinicOffice is unable to see the scanner. You can still scan the document, save it locally and use the “Add Files” option instead, but you just cannot scan directly into the ClinicOffice Hosted edition because of this.

                                                                      in reply to: Backup delay #33844

                                                                        One thing you could try is to locate where the bulk of your database size is coming from. As you have the Professional version of ClinicOffice you can find this out by going into the database folder. By default, this is located in the “C:COv5_Data” folder. If you open your database folder and then sort on size descending.

                                                                        If you are using emails, it might be a cause that one of the “email” files are particularly large. If this is the case then it might be worth considering archiving your older emails. The steps below will help you with this.

                                                                          1) Click the Email Manager button
                                                                          2) Click the Email Settings button
                                                                          3) Click the blue link Auto Archiving Options
                                                                          4) Alter the settings, such as “Archive emails which are older than ‘6 months'”
                                                                          4) Click the Archive Now button
                                                                          5) Click OK and OK again

                                                                        If you had a number of emails, this may well help to reduce the overall database size and increase the backup speed. The alternative is to consider moving over to IMAP instead of POP and this will naturally help to keep the backup size down.

                                                                        If the largest table is not one of the email tables, please let us know which one it is and we can see if we can suggest anything else to assist with this.

                                                                        in reply to: Duplicate Record Value #33779

                                                                          Thanks for uploading that to us Eniola. To fix this issue, please try the following below.

                                                                            – Go to the Tools menu in ClinicOffice
                                                                            – Click the Advanced DB Operation button
                                                                            – Please remove any text present in the database operation window
                                                                            – Copy and paste the text in below
                                                                          update per set where

                                                                            – Please make sure that the checkboxes “Can Adjust SQL” and “As Administrators” are ticked
                                                                            – Click the Execute button
                                                                            – Click the OK and then Close

                                                                          You will need to refresh the patient grid after doing this, but you should find that you can now open the patient’s record.

                                                                          in reply to: Backup delay #33840

                                                                            Hi Eniola

                                                                            Sorry to hear about the issues you have had with the backups. Oddly the error indicates that there is an entry within the logon table that has no ID. This is strange as the logon table should be cleared when everyone is logged off. If this persists, please try the following:-

                                                                            1) Login to ClinicOffice if possible
                                                                            2) Go to the Tools menu (tab)
                                                                            3) Click the Advanced DB Operation button
                                                                            4) Please delete any text present in this window and copy and paste in the line of code below

                                                                            delete from logon

                                                                            5) Please make sure that the checkbox “As Administrator” is ticked
                                                                            6) Click the Execute button
                                                                            7) Click OK and then Close

                                                                            ClinicOffice will log you off after doing this. Please try to run the backup again and see if this helps at all. If it persists please let us know the steps you take when backing up the database. For example, do you backup when logged, go to the Tools menu and select Backup Database?

                                                                            in reply to: Duplicate Record Value #33776
                                                                              in reply to: Error #700, Error #401 #33836

                                                                                I am glad to hear that this fixed the issue for you and I am ever so sorry for the delay time in getting back to you with an answer. I have also put your name down to receive an update when the new SMS service is available for you.

                                                                                in reply to: Clinical Forms Online #33757

                                                                                  Hi Roelof

                                                                                  Thanks for the posts. This is currently on development schedule to make Online Forms that integrates with the software. The forms will either come as an extension to the existing Online Diary module or as a new feature via the Client Portal. We are not 100% certain of how it will be implemented but it will be coming.

                                                                                  in reply to: Error #700, Error #401 #33834

                                                                                    Hi Eniola

                                                                                    Apologies for the delay in replying. The error suggests that your database is missing the “emaillog” table. The steps below should fix this.

                                                                                    1) On the login screen click the blue link “Manage Databases”
                                                                                    2) Right-click on your database’s name and select Check & Repair Database
                                                                                    3) Click the Check Structure blue link
                                                                                    4) On the right-hand side of the screen select “edb_CO_createdb.SPLIT_create_tables.sql
                                                                                    5) Click the Execute Script link
                                                                                    6) Click Yes to the next message
                                                                                    7) Go back to the login screen and try to login to ClinicOffice

                                                                                    This will show a number of errors because most of the tables will already exist but it should replace the missing “emaillog” table. If the problem still persists, please let us know.

                                                                                    in reply to: FAQ 303: Customising Appointment Captions in the Diary #33144

                                                                                      We have discovered that if you insert the patient notes field into the appointment description the patient notes can be viewed in whole when you hover over an appointment with your mouse cursor. Please see example below.

                                                                                      This can help when previewing additional information you might have stored on the patient that you need to know about. The line of code to add for this is:-


                                                                                      So if you were to add it to the staff view, it would look something like this:-

                                                                                      {patient} [{type}] - {per!notes!id=@per_id}

                                                                                      If you were to add this to the room view, it would look something like this:-

                                                                                      {patient} [{type}] with {staff} - {per!notes!id=@per_id}

                                                                                      in reply to: Customised fields deleted with new update #33830

                                                                                        Hi Resilience

                                                                                        Sorry to hear about the issues you have experienced. From what you have explained the good news is that your data has not been lost. The problem is that your fields have been moved into the hidden items. To retrieve them please follow the steps below.

                                                                                        1) Open any patient’s record, but make sure that only one patient record is open
                                                                                        2) Click the Design tab (towards the top left of this record)
                                                                                        3) Click Enter Design Mode

                                                                                        [A floating customisation window will appear and in this window will be your missing fields]

                                                                                        4) Drag and drop these fields into the previous locations you had them in
                                                                                        5) Click the Save Design button once finished

                                                                                        After following the above, these fields will be present for all other records.

                                                                                        As mentioned your previous data will still be present. It was merely that the layout for those fields had been lost. The reason for this is that in earlier builds of ClinicOffice incorrectly allowed for lower and upper case in the field names (this is not the same as the “Display Name” that you see on the record). In the latter builds, ClinicOffice prevented this but the recent update fixed pre-existing fields as well. Unfortunately, it does seem that for some it moves them into the Hidden fields section because the layout no longer recognises them.

                                                                                        Please let us know if you need anything clarifying from the above.

                                                                                        in reply to: Takings by practitioner #33445

                                                                                          Hi rhcrc

                                                                                          Thanks for the request. Please find below a modified form of the Payments for Items & Services by Staff that will also include the patient’s name.

                                                                                          For instructions on how to import report files, please follow the steps in this post:-

                                                                                          You must be logged in to view attached files.
                                                                                          in reply to: System.OutOfMemoryExection Error #33815

                                                                                            Sorry to hear that you have been having been having this issue. To help us diagnose the problem we just have some questions.

                                                                                            1) Does this error appear often?

                                                                                            2) At the time it appears is there anything the user is doing in particular in ClinicOffice. For example, are they about to print the diary, trying to run a report via the right-click menu on the diary or just about to open an appointment?

                                                                                            3) Which anti-virus program have you got installed on the computer?

                                                                                            in reply to: Release date COv6 #33787

                                                                                              In a continuation of this topic, we have had to revise our release date for COv6. This is in part to ongoing requests for the current version 5 but also due to the looming changes required for the GDPR coming into effect soon. At present the release date seems likely to be sometime this summer 2019.

                                                                                              Although new versions do bring a large number of changes to the software, we do regularly release new features, and some of them are pretty big, in regular build updates to the present version release of the software. For example, we released Healthcode integration, IMAP integration and the ability to accept payments through Worldpay and PaymentSense. These are just a few major changes to the software that have come in version 5 and were not dependant on the release of version 6. All these changes will continue on into version 6 of the software as well.

                                                                                              We do apologise for these delays but the continued advancement and improvements of the software are being made but in the form of regular incremental updates as opposed to massive new version releases. We are however still working on version 6 and all being well it will be with us shortly.

                                                                                              in reply to: GDPR #33806

                                                                                                Hi Steve

                                                                                                Thanks for the question and I am glad to say that we do have a page on our website now dedicated to this topic and this will help to answer your question. You can view this via the link below.


                                                                                                We are also working on build 1094 which will assist you further with remaining compliant. All being well this will be released sometime in the first quarter of this year.

                                                                                                in reply to: problems emailing documents to patients #33727

                                                                                                  The ability to send emails via ClinicOffice directly without the Email Manager will remain a viable option. The Email Manager adds the benefits of being able to receive emails, manage your emails and control your email templates better, but it is not required to send out basic emails with attachments added.

                                                                                                  Looking into why this originally happened, it appears that as of 31st of October 2017 Microsoft no longer supports Outlook 2007 from picking up a send email request from 3rd party programs.


                                                                                                  According to the above link, it suggests that if you update to a newer version of Microsoft Office it will resolve the issue. Alternatively you can always consider another third party email program such as Windows 10 Mail or Thunderbird. However you are more than welcome to continue to send your attachments via ClinicOffice.

                                                                                                  in reply to: Print Clinical Notes Screen #33803

                                                                                                    Hi – thanks for your post.

                                                                                                    If you are trying to print off an individual session note, it will use the layout of the screen. So what you could try is adjusting the size of the session note screen and then print preview it again. You will note that as you change the shape of the session note screen it will change how the layout of the preview is working.

                                                                                                    If it is still not quite fitting in then what might be an idea is to change the “Orientation” to “Landscape” and under the “Scale” set it to fit a single page width. This will force the session note to fit within the confines of the single page width.

                                                                                                    Please let us know if you are still having problems after this.

                                                                                                    in reply to: problems emailing documents to patients #33722

                                                                                                      Hi rhcrc

                                                                                                      Sorry to hear that you are having additional problems. Which email program do you use to send out these type of emails and which operating system are you running, is it Windows 10? Also when you say it opens MS Office is it opening something like Word or is it opening Outlook of the MS Office suite?

                                                                                                      in reply to: Tell us what you want in COv6! #33649

                                                                                                        Hi Steve

                                                                                                        Thanks for the request. Good news is that this can already be done within ClinicOffice v5. To do this, expand open the Appointment Type field within an appointment, right click on it and click on “Show Groups.

                                                                                                        So long as the appointment types have been assigned to a group, they will appear under their perspective groups in a hierarchical manner.

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